Reimbursement Policies

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The Treasurer has defined the following policies to supplement Finances Rule #6, updated at the 2019-06-22 BoD meeting

All invoices or reimbursement requests presented for payment must be signed by a Committee Chair or Vice-Chair, and submitted to Finance within 30 calendar days of the expense being incurred. No late submissions will be accepted. All reimbursement requests must include a receipt for the expense without exception or payment will not occur. Exceptions to this policy can be appealed to the Board of Directors.

Reimbursement Policies

  1. All reimbursement requests must be signed by by the Chair or Vice Chair of the Committee for which the expense was incurred.
  2. Class fees collected through the Calendar system are not to be directly paid. Class fees are transferred to the appropriate Committees account, and reimbusements made against that account based on receipt or authorized estimate.
  3. Authorized estimate: from time to time, instructors use portions of materials they have previously purchased from their own funds. In this event, the instructor should estimate the amount used by the class, the cost of the total amount originally purchased, and reimbursement pro-rated based on that ratio. This must be approved by the Chair/Vice Chair as being accurate, and included in the reimbursement request.
  4. Reimbursement requests are to be paid by separate check, and not aggregated with any other payment (reimbursements are not taxable, honorariums are taxable).
  5. Reimbursements requested more than 30 days after the actual expenditure or class date, are to be refused. In the event a member is requesting a substantial sum, the request may be forwarded to the Treasurer for reconsideration (without promise of payment).
  6. Reimbursements to be paid from the General Fund, must be approved by an Officer of the Corporation, and the Treasurer/Deputy Treasurer.