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This committee has been marked as inactive.
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As an alternative to the formal complaint process, mediation has been offered by the board of directors. The problem with the board providing mediation services is that they become involved in the dispute and if it escalates to a formal complaint, they then have a conflict of interest in the resolution of the formal complaint. This committee is intended to remove the board from the mediation process and to assist in the mutually agreeable resolution of any interpersonal conflicts among members.

Any volunteer mediators have no authority to render judgements or force agreements among the parties. There role is solely to facilitate discussion and to help keep the discussion calm and peaceful. Unlike the formal complaint procedure, where the complaints are part of the corporations records, mediation is a private action. Only the parties to the dispute and the mediator(s) will know about the details of the dispute. No records will be kept.


To provide a pool of people who are willing to assist other members in the resolution of their interpersonal conflicts with other members in a manner that doesn't place any additional burden upon the board of directors. This process will provide a private means of the two (or more) parties to resolve their differences without resorting to the public (and recorded) formal complaint process.

It is intended that the members of the committee will use a facilitative mediation approach. Facilitative mediators typically do not evaluate a case or direct the parties to a particular settlement. Instead, the Facilitative mediator facilitates the conversation. These mediators act as guardian of the process, not the content or the outcome. During a facilitative mediation session the parties in dispute control both what will be discussed and how their issues will be resolved. Unlike the transformative mediator, the facilitative mediator is focused on helping the parties find a resolution to their dispute and to that end, the facilitative mediator provides a structure and agenda for the discussion.


Any current member of DMS may join this committee; however, any member (such as a board member) who feels their membership may cause a conflict of interest could choose to be an advisory member who only helps create the rules and structure by which the committee operates.

Volunteer mediators

  • Walter Anderson
  • Graham Bateman (Chairperson)
  • Mike Churchill
  • Raymond Jett
  • David Kessinger
  • Corbin Perkins
  • Julianna Perkins
  • Nick Sainz
  • Stan Simmons
  • Tom Tansey
  • Russell Ward


  • Mark Havens

How to join

  • Add your name to the member list above, in alphabetical order of last name

Proposed Guidelines

PREAMBLE Relations between Makerspace members form our community. In relationships there are a set of expectations we believe will be followed by those in the relationship. Inevitably, conflict occurs. Each situation is different, but the cause is the same: an expectation was not met. We often do not understand why things went wrong and feelings of resentment develop. A breakdown in the relationship occurs and we search for restoration and for justice. The Mediation Committee offers an opportunity for people in conflict to sit down, discuss their dispute and together discover their own solution. With the help of a trained mediator, many people can find common ground. The mediation process empowers the parties to decide the outcome of their dispute and attempts to repair the broken relationship. Mediation is not in opposition to the Makerspace’s formal complaint system. It works alongside it, helping people resolve their conflicts without becoming enemies, an effective alternative. Mediation is a dispute resolution process in which an impartial person or persons (the mediator) assists the parties to negotiate a consensual and informed settlement. In mediation, decision-making authority rests with the parties. The role of the mediator includes reducing the obstacles to communication, assisting the parties to identify and explore alternatives, and addressing the needs, interests and concerns of the parties and others affected. Mediation is based on principles of fairness, privacy and self-determination of the parties. Members of the Mediation Committee strive to ensure that mediation services are provided responsibly and with professionalism.

GUIDELINES FOR ENTERING INTO MEDIATION When confronted with conflict of any kind, the community agrees to adhere to these conflict resolution principles and steps:

I. Problem-Solving Guidelines. Makerspace members agree to the following guidelines when involved in conflict resolution efforts:

A commitment to mutual respect. A commitment to solve the problem. No put-downs. No intimidation, implied or direct. No physical contact. No interrupting. Be excellent to each other. Agreement to use the conflict resolution protocol, below.

II. Conflict Resolution Protocols. Community members in conflict will: Make a good faith effort to resolve the problem between/among themselves by first dealing directly with the person or persons with whom he/she is experiencing problems.

If direct interaction does not solve the problem, the members in conflict can ask a mutually agreed-upon member of the Mediation Committee to guide them through mediation. The Mediation Committee will maintain a list of members who are available to provide this mediation. Mediators will maintain confidentiality regarding the details of any conflict they are involved in. It is not the intention of this policy to provide actual guidelines for how this mediation is conducted, i.e. numbers of sessions, use of a written agreement, follow-up meetings, etc. It is assumed that people who volunteer to provide mediation are capable of formulating an effective, structured plan for reaching and maintaining resolution of the conflict.

If using a mediator does not solve the problem, ……………….. [WHERE DOES IT GO NEXT?]. Volunteering with the Mediation Committee The Mediation Committee depends on the hard work of volunteers from Makerspace members. Volunteer mediators play a critical role in facilitating face-to-face meetings between parties in conflict. If you are interested in learning more about volunteering with us, please contact any Committee member and ask for more information about our volunteer mediator trainings.

MEDIATION COMMITTEE GUIDELINES 1. Responsibility to Parties 1. As Mediators, we treat all persons with respect and seek to prevent discriminatory incidents in the practice of mediation. 2. As Mediators, we inform parties of possible limits of mediation in a manner that preserves their capacity to determine an appropriate response to their dispute. 3. As Mediators, we respect the right of parties to make informed decisions. We help parties understand the consequences of those decisions in a context of procedural fairness. 4. As Mediators, we refer parties to other professional resources as needed.

Impartiality As Mediators, we approach the mediation process in an impartial manner. If at any time we are unable to do so, we withdraw from the mediation process. As Mediators, we disclose to the parties any dealing or relationship that might reasonably raise a question about our impartiality. If the parties agree to participate in the mediation process after being informed of the circumstances, we proceed unless the conflict of interest casts serious doubt on the integrity of the process, in which case we withdraw. As Mediators, we avoid the appearance of conflict of interest both during and after the mediation process. Without the consent of all parties, we do not subsequently establish a professional relationship with one of the parties in a related manner, or in an unrelated manner under circumstances that raise legitimate questions about the integrity of the mediation. As Mediators, we hold self-determination of the parties to be a central principle of mediation. We endeavor to facilitate a process of voluntary, uncoerced agreement. Any party may withdraw from mediation at any time.


5.1 As Mediators, we hold the process and content of mediation to be confidential, and we inform the parties of any limitations on this confidentiality before assisting their negotiations. We will not disclose confidential information except when we reasonably believe necessary to prevent a danger of serious physical harm to any person IN MEDIATION SESSIONS The goal is to move from mutual blame toward a solution acceptable to all parties Disputants fill out a pre-session questionnaire briefly explaining why they are and what their perception of the dispute is Mediators

  • Explain steps and the mediators’ role:

using listening and communication skills to help fellow members resolve conflict and disagreements before they escalate and lose power over the situation

  • Meet with disputants and help the parties develop ground rules, such as the following:
  • We agree to take turns speaking and not interrupt each other.
  • We agree to call each other by our first names, not "he" or "she."
  • We agree to not blame, attack, or engage in put-downs and will ask questions of each other for the purposes of gaining clarity and understanding.
  • We agree to stay away from establishing hard positions and express ourselves in terms of our personal needs and interests and the outcomes that we wish to realize.
  • We agree to listen respectfully and sincerely try to understand the other person's needs and interests.
  • We recognize that, even if we do not agree with it, each of us is entitled to our own perspective.
  • We will not dwell on things that did not work in the past, but instead will focus on the future we would like to create.
  • We agree to make a conscious, sincere effort to refrain from unproductive arguing, venting, or narration, and agree to use our time in mediation to work toward what we perceive to be our fairest and most constructive agreement possible.
  • We will speak up if something is not working for us in mediation.
  • We will request a break when we need to.
  • While in mediation, we will refrain from adversarial legal proceedings (except in the case of an emergency necessitating such action).
  • We will point out if we feel the mediator is not being impartial as to person and neutral as to result.
  • Solicit questions and clarifications on the process before beginning

In the session, disputants:

  • Introduce themselves
  • Each in turn tells their story to the mediator focusing on issues, not on who did what, while the other concentrates on listening without interrupting
  • Parties change roles: each repeats the other's story to their satisfaction to demonstrate they understand the other's position (not that they necessarily agree with it)

In the session, co-mediators:

  • Summarize the facts and feelings of both sides

for verification and agreement on the issues; leads a discussion of the issues and acknowledges the difficulty in dealing with its emotional baggage

  • Ask both parties if any solutions have come to mind,

or begins a brain-storming session without judgment. All suggestions noted and acknowledged.

  • Lead a discussion of the solutions

checking off only the solution(s) that both parties can agree to

In the session, disputants

  • determine implications of solutions

in selecting the best possible outcome

  • Select the best alternative

In the session, co-mediators:

  • Verify the verbal agreement with all parties, ensuring that no one is reluctant or afraid to speak out or dissent
  • Write a memo of understanding/contract

in parties' own words

At the end of a session, co-mediators and disputants:

  • Sign contract, if any
  • Develop a process for follow up

Verify that all will be committed and monitor this process Co-mediators thank each person for their contribution to the process, and for letting the mediation service help them

Meeting Minutes