Board of Directors Meeting 20170319

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This meeting will be held in Modified SRC3 format.

Time, location

14:00, Dallas Makerspace

Prior minutes


Financial Statement

Balances as of 03/19/2017 1:00pm

Checking        $249,808.94
Quickbooks      $293,094.79
Difference      $(43,285.85)

Savings Account $ 62,453.42

February 2017

Income	          $60,306

Proposed Spending

4.1 $1,500 Creative Arts 4 point oh Board investing (Nicole Franczvai)
4.3 $10,000 Purchase New Computers (Brooks Scharff)
4.5 $4,234.80 Purchase New Bench Top Lathe, Milling Machine, and Maintenance Parts for HAAS)
5.3 $100 PR Fellowships (Priyanka Pohar)
5.4 $400 PR Makerspace Videos
5.5 $700 PR Shop Payment Center
5.6 $1,000 PR Cleaning Closet Renovation
5.8 $5,000 to logistics for workshop improvements (Brandon)
5.12 200 Approve funds for the purchase of an online election for this years BOD meeting

$23,134.80 Total

Committee Balances
Committee Balance Notes
3D Fabrication $7,154.58
Auto $1,363.38
Blacksmithing $8,021.73
Classroom $2,106.29
Creative Arts $4,992.07
Digital Media $1,786.22
Electronics $3,235.95
Finance ($2,667.64)
Fired Arts $1,901.69
Hatchers ($554.31) Need to fix double billing
Infrastructure $11,087.99
Jewelry $588.77
Laser $14,668.30
Logistics $2,107.93
Machine Shop $4,533.21
Metal Shop $12,605.10
Public Relations ($4,178.10)
Radio Control $406.74
Science $3,089.39
Vector $519.93
Wood Shop $56.48
TOTAL $99,728.20

Consent Agenda

Newly proposed agenda items appear in the consent agenda. Any member present at the meeting may pull an item out of the consent agenda for discussion, at which point it goes under "New Business". If nobody objects to the solutions presented by the consent agenda, everything in the consent agenda passes by consensus. Items that have more than one proposed solution should be moved to the "New Business" section.

Any member may edit this wiki page and place an item on the agenda. However, discussion of agenda items should be done via the forums. The cut-off time for addition to or revision of the consent agenda items is 48 hours prior to the meeting. Please note, agenda items (Consent, New, or Old) that request spending $250 or more must include a section on "Relevance to our tax exempt purpose".

Creative Arts 4 point oh Board investing $1,500 (Nicole Franczvai)

"" Note:"" Per my norm I can't make it to this BoD meeting. I'm currently on an airplane. I'm going to try to find someone to represent CA. I am sorry that I miss meetings - I just don't have the same free time as everyone else. Once I clone myself it won't be as much of a problem.

Problem: We are seeking an investment in CA to help advance the skills of our members and the needs of the current room(s). Over the course of the last month we finished the annex, freed up considerable space in the CA room, bought additional furniture to create workspace, and we are brainstorming ways to outfit the annex to suit our members digital workstation needs. While the annex is small she be mighty.

Solution: I would like to ask the board for an investment in the purchase of a new digital workstation. (Note: We are currently debating the exact type and model of computer/tablet/software via talk) I would like to have $2000 in the bank for when this is decided upon (will be decided on before the end of the month). Of this I would like the board to sponsor 3/4 of the cost and we will spend the rest of the costs out of the CA budget. The hard part is this tool won't really be something supported by classes - it will largely be an independent work station.

Relevance to our tax exempt purpose: Allowing for upgraded digital workstations will allow members to demonstrate knowledge and work on computers that demonstrate the joy of

Clarify project storage expectations (Brandon)

Problem: As logistics continues to work on improving project storage and relates processes, it is critical that everyone (both members working on personal projects and members working on DMS related projects) be expected to follow posted rules to prevent chaos and abuse.

Solution: Pass the following statement "The board of directors expects every single use of logistics' provided project storage to follow all posted storage rules, currently meaning printing off a storage ticket for absolutely anything that is left stored in logistics floorspace."

Purchase New Computers (Brooks Scharff)

Problem: Our workstations are aging and are starting to fail. We need to take a big step forward by replacing all workstations with a unified model with 3-year manufacturer support to back our capital investment.

Solution: Allocate $10,000 to Infrastructure for the purpose of purchasing new computers (10x Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 Tiny w/ 24" Tiny-in-One monitors), with a 3-year next business day onsite warranty. The total cost of this purchase is around $12000 but Infrastructure will cover any overages. Specs: i5-6500, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD Please note that these computers are meant to replace any committee computers (except Digital Media and Electronics). Existing committee computers will be sold or moved to the multipurpose room (only the powerful ones will be put in the Multipurpose Room). CDW PNs: 4451167, 3960058, 4153219, 3367011

Next month, I will have a similar proposal for 4x extremely powerful desktop computers to be placed in the Multipurpose Room so we can sell off the remaining computers. Please note that small changes will likely have to be made based on committee needs, but those will be handled by Infrastructure. This agenda item should serve as a discussion point for new computers.

Increase Cleaning Crew Frequency (Brooks Scharff)

Problem: The Dallas Makerspace has grown exponentially over the past year, and as such, gets dirtier faster.

Solution: Increase cleaning crew frequency from 24 hours/week to 40 hours/week (3 days to 5 days per week). Other thoughts: Do we think our current cleaning crew is actually working 100% of the time? Maybe we should consider switching to a different cleaning company instead of just upping the hours per week?

Purchase New Bench Top Lathe, Milling Machine, and Maintenance Parts for HAAS)

Problem: Our current mill and lathe capabilities are limited our "big machines" the Bridgeport and the Clausing Colchester lathe (our "new one"). These machines are limited to the minimum size they effectively work on. Additionally, many people are intimidated by these large machines and in fact many associated tools are heavy to lift into place. Machine Shop wants to expand capability to work on smaller projects in both metal and plastics by adding a bench top lathe and milling machine. Both are non-cnc manual machines so the barrier to entry is is low and does not require CAD/CAM training. The hope is to attract a wider range members to machining, we feel this will be of particular interest persons in Jewelry and Creative Arts. From there as confidence they will develop an interest using larger machines. Machines are 110V so no power issue.

Maintenance parts for HAAS. HAAS has capability of 20 in tool changer. Parts have worn and cause frequent malfunctions. Team HAAS has disassembled, cleaned and has gotten 10 of the 20 changers working correctly. Others are worn excessively and need replacement.

Solution: Asking BoD for 50% funding or $2,117.40 with Machine Shop matching 50% of $2,117.40

Below is a list of what is wanted to purchase and cost:

3.5″ x 8″ Machine Lathe + DRO (Digital Read Out) 4000B-DRO Package B $1,210.00

5400A-DRO/5410A-DRO Deluxe Mill Package $1,457.00

3700 4″ Rotary Table $ 226.80

3701 Right Angle Attachment $ 78.75

2250 Quick-Change Tool Post w/Three Holder $ 273.00

1030 4-Jaw (Independent) Chuck (3.1″) $ 141.75

3551 Milling Vise $ 78.75

7506 Machinist’s Parallel Bar Set $ 52.50

3100 Thread Cutting Attachment $ 131.25

Kit #4 1/4 inch Turning (C) Right Hand Left Hand and Boring Bar $ 135.00


HAAS Tool Changer 10 Tool Changer replacement/repair kits @ $45/ea $ 450.00

                                                                          Grand Total  $4,234.80

Relevance to our tax exempt purpose: New bench top lathe and mill will add new capabilities and educational opportunities to Machine Shop for a new class of small precision parts and attract a more diverse portion of our membership that need machining capability below that of industrial level machines. The HAAS parts will bring the machine back up to full capabilities. Manual tools specifically chosen to increase access. HAAS training has renewed this month.

New Business

Remove Discourse ( Opt-In Debate Category Due to Abuse (Zach Metzinger)

Problem: Topics in Talk are being moved at an alarming rate to the "Opt-In Debate" category, not visible to anyone who 1) does not know the topic exists, 2) does not know the category exists, or 3) decided not to opt-in for any reason. Even a member who started a thread, which was subsequently moved into this category, and has not opted-in cannot read his or her own thread. Additionally, such mundane topics such as "Proposal for initiation fee for new members" have been moved to this category by unknown persons for unknown reasons. The Talk moderation group is out of control with this category.

Solution: Remove the Opt-In category, leaving it up to members to use the normal Discourse "Ignore topic" buttons to ignore those threads which unsettle them, and prohibit this sort of Orwellian moderation in the future. Community flagging should curtail any flagrant violations of talk etiquette.

Improve transparency and the maker experience by requiring classes and tools with a fee to maintain the fee table on the new wiki page (Bradley Knapp)

Problem: The Dallas Makerspace is a dynamic and fabulous membership made up of all kinds of people from all different walks of life. The core members who form the BoD, Committee chairs, etc., have been members for a long time and are intimately acquainted with the costs and challenges with maintaining and running the space. New members, however, don't have this history and backstory, and are therefore somewhat "thrown into the breech" when they sign up. In the interest of being more transparent with members (both old and new) and prospective members, we should have a centralized, publicly viewable location where the additional costs involved in using the space are outlined. Members, both active and prospective, should not have to wander around the space looking at signs to find the tool fees, nor should they have to go to the calendar and click on the links for every possible class (many of which will not be present) in order to research the costs involved in using the space.

Solution: I have created a new Wiki page that can be linked to the new member 411 page, the join page on the main site, and anywhere else that it needs linked. Using the web design principle of aggregating information so that a user is never further than 1 link from solving a question they have from that page, this will avoid confusion and increase transparency. A new rule to be inserted to the Rules and Policies page, section 8 (committees) § 1 (Rules) that reads as follows:

The committee chair is responsible for maintaining the Associated Costs page on the wiki for all fees collected by or on the behalf of the committee. The committee chair can delegate the ongoing maintenance of class costs to his or her approved instructors, but shall review and approve the information before the monthly board of directors meeting.

PR Fellowships (Priyanka Pohar)

NOTE: Only $80 left in the fund.

Problem: PR wants to thank two individuals who have been generously helping us out.

Solution: Two 1-month fellowships to two individuals, Matt Ziesler and Steven Martin.

PR Makerspace Videos

Problem: Makerspace has outdated videos that don’t document how great the space is.

Solution: PR is requesting $400 for the creation of two videos - one being a 360 video and the other being a normal video. This money goes to the camera which is $350 + tax and supplies for the film.

Relevance: Videos documenting the amenities of the space can be a great advertising tool.

PR Shop Payment Center

Problem: The shop payment only allows cash for DMS memorabilia.

Solution: PR requests $700 for a payment center (iPad, printer, and paper).

Relevance: Raise money for the PR department and advertise through DMS memorabilia.

Cleaning Closet Renovation

Problem: The cleaning closet is falling apart. PR wants to make it better.

Solution: PR requests $1000 to replace molding sheetrock, installing a metal industrial sink, efficient storage and repainting the cleaning closet.

Relevance: Maintenance of the Makerspace facility will help avoid problems getting worse as well as helping keep DMS in good condition if we move.

Modify the Honorarium rules with respect to Standardized requirements classes

Problem: Various shops require certain classes to be taken as a condition for using various tools. These classes must be regularly scheduled, in order not to deny the opportunity to use the tools to new members. Many of these classes are routinely sold out, creating pressure to keep up with demand. Likewise, illnesses, real life problems, etc among available instructors often create scheduling gaps, resulting in angry new members. At present, the 10-day requirement for all classes means that replacement classes, or classes needed to meet high demand periods, are often ineligible for honorarium, despite the urgent need. Also, when instructors get ill, or cannot make a scheduled class, there is no way to substitute another teacher, without losing the honorarium for the Committee.

Solution: Pre-authorize requirements classes, that the Board deems essential to the needs of our members, for honorarium, waive the 10-day requirement for those classes, and authorize the honorarium auditors to immediately approve these pre-authorized classes for honorarium without delay. Eligible classes would include only those required to use tools, or to access membership benefits. The Board might also consider placing a limit of the number of pre-authorized classes permitted for each proposed class, to limit cash flow exposure.

Relevence:Timely scheduling of requirements classes is in the best interests of DMS, and directly supports our purpose.

$5,000 to logistics for workshop improvements (Brandon)

Problem: General workshop tool shelf(ryobi shelf) is poorly organized, making it difficult to find basic tools or keep the area safe.

Solution: Allocate $5,000 to logistics for the purpose of improving general workshop tools and organization as described in the plan below.

Plan: Replace worn out tools and create entirely new shelving and organization system, the main cost items being:

  • 600 milwaukee toolbox w/ pegboard
  • 500 steel pegboard (40 sq ft)
  • 400 pegboard related organizational supplies
  • 500 metal for pegboard wall
  • 1,000 refresh ryobi tools that are worn out
  • 1,000 refresh other basic hand tools
  • 1,000 table tops including a few new 4'x8' cutting mats (rhino 4'x8' mat w/ printed on grid lines 142 each)

Relevance: Education via hands on do it yourself activities is one of the core ways members benefit from DMS, a well organized and stocked tool selection is vital to fulfilling that purpose.

Complaint against a member (Talk)

Approve New Laser Committee Chair

Problem: The former chair of the Laser Committee has stepped down and needs to be replaced.

Solution: The Laser Committee has voted Merissa Green to serve as chair for the remainder of this term and the following six months.

Remove Patrick Thompson as a Procurement Officer

Problem: Patrick Thompson has resigned as Laser Committee chair and has apparently ceased participating in DMS activities.

Solution: Remove Patrick Thompson from the list of Procurement Officers.

Approve funds for the purchase of an online election for this years BOD meeting

Problem: DMS is outsourcing the online voting systems this year here is the contract for the chosen voting system.

Solution: Allocate funds to infrastructure for $200 for the purchase of an online voting solution.

Relevance: Having a fully outsourced solution reduces the stress of worrying about members trying to sue them because they did something wrong.

Remove Lance Preston as a Procurement Officer

Problem: Lance is no longer a member.

Solution: Remove Lance Preston as a procurement officer.

Add Stan Simmons as a Procurement Officer

Problem: Stan Simmons helps Infrastructure with day-to-day operations and frequently has needed a DMS credit card.

Solution: Appoint Stan Simmons as a Procurement Officer, to be replacing Brooks Scharff.





 - Erik Smith
 - Ken Purcell
 - Luke Olson
 - Alex Rhodes
 - Robert Davidson

Prior minutes:
 - Alex wants to be removed from references to sexual harassment; name turning 
 up in Google
 - Otherwise passed with no protest

One of our members, Robert Johnson passed ladst week in a tragic accident.  
Services are being held the 26th / 27th.  


Checking        $249,808.94
Quickbooks      $293,094.79
Difference      $(43,285.85)
Savings Account $ 62,453.42

Income	          $60,306

Committee		Balance	Notes
3D Fabrication		$7,154.58	
Auto			$1,363.38	
Blacksmithing		$8,021.73	
Classroom		$2,106.29	
Creative Arts		$4,992.07	
Digital Media		$1,786.22	
Electronics		$3,235.95	
Finance			($2,667.64)	
Fired Arts		$1,901.69	
Hatchers		($554.31)	Need to fix double billing
Infrastructure		$11,087.99	
Jewelry			$588.77	
Laser			$14,668.30	
Logistics		$2,107.93	
Machine Shop		$4,533.21	
Metal Shop		$12,605.10	
Public Relations	($4,178.10)	
Radio Control		$406.74	
Science			$3,089.39	
Vector			$519.93	
Wood Shop		$56.48	
TOTAL			$99,728.20

There are known issues with balance reporting that Finance is working through


No items passed via unanimous consent


The following items were pulled for further discussion

4.1 Creative Arts 4 point oh Board investing $1,500 (Nicole Franczvai)
 - AS WRITTEN: "I would like to ask the board for an investment in the purchase 
 of a new digital workstation. (Note: We are currently debating the exact type 
 and model of computer/tablet/software via talk) I would like to have $2000 in 
 the bank for when this is decided upon (will be decided on before the end of 
 the month). Of this I would like the board to sponsor 3/4 of the cost and we 
 will spend the rest of the costs out of the CA budget. The hard part is this 
 tool won't really be something supported by classes - it will largely be an 
 independent work station."
   - Luke: Do not want to do anything with PCs once we hear back from the grant 
   we put in with Dell
   - Alex: May 1 is the expected response date from Dell.  Not sure on specifics 
   of what Dell can offer - beefy workstations or near thin clients.  Willing to 
   work on grant requests with anyone else.
   - David: Goal was to build a design PC to produce design file(s) before 
   production (vinyl, wide-format printer, impact engraver, dye sub)
   - Luke: The lack of this machine is not inhibiting CA functionality
   - Lisa: This is supposed to be a powerful design PC; Win10 can address HD 
   space issues.
   - Brooks: Wait for Dell grant - we have extra machines for stopgap 
   design/production needs; have not been consulted about CA's interests; s/w 
   shortcomings can be dealt with.  Existing workstations aging, generally not 
   worth upgrading.
   - David: Bill G wants a row of workstations in common room for design 
   independent from production machines
 - MOTION: Table Indefinitely
   - Proposed: Erik
   - Seconded: Luke
   - Unanimously tabled indefinitely

4.2 Clarify project storage expectations (Brandon)
 - AS WRITTEN: "Pass the following statement 'The board of directors expects 
 every single use of logistics' provided project storage to follow all posted 
 storage rules, currently meaning printing off a storage ticket for absolutely 
 anything that is left stored in logistics floorspace.'"
   - Brandon: Just want a statement in the minutes
   - Chris: System down other day, instructed to write a manual ticket
   - Alex: Power cycle seems to fix
 - MOTION: As written
   - Proposed: Robert
   - Seconded: Luke
   - 4 in favor, Erik abstains, motion passes

4.3 Purchase New Computers (Brooks Scharff)
 - AS WRITTEN: "Allocate $10,000 to Infrastructure for the purpose of purchasing
 new computers (10x Lenovo ThinkCentre M900 Tiny w/ 24" Tiny-in-One monitors), 
 with a 3-year next business day onsite warranty. The total cost of this 
 purchase is around $12000 but Infrastructure will cover any overages. Specs: 
 i5-6500, 8GB RAM, 256GB SSD Please note that these computers are meant to 
 replace any committee computers (except Digital Media and Electronics). 
 Existing committee computers will be sold or moved to the multipurpose room 
 (only the powerful ones will be put in the Multipurpose Room). CDW PNs: 
 4451167, 3960058, 4153219, 3367011
Next month, I will have a similar proposal for 4x extremely powerful desktop 
computers to be placed in the Multipurpose Room so we can sell off the remaining
 computers. Please note that small changes will likely have to be made based on 
 committee needs, but those will be handled by Infrastructure. This agenda item 
 should serve as a discussion point for new computers."
   - Alex: Wait for Dell...
   - Brooks: No objections
 - MOTION: Table indefinitely
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Erik
   - Unanimously tabled indefinitely

4.4 Increase Cleaning Crew Frequency (Brooks Scharff)
 - AS WRITTEN: "Increase cleaning crew frequency from 24 hours/week to 40 
 hours/week (3 days to 5 days per week). Other thoughts: Do we think our current
 cleaning crew is actually working 100% of the time? Maybe we should consider 
 switching to a different cleaning company instead of just upping the hours per 
   - Brooks: Restrooms, floors, other general areas not being handled very well; 
   last cleaning company was not effective
   - David: Vacuum died the other day, janitor was trying to complete with 
   Dyson; suggest that Logistics obtain another vacuum; also suggest daily 
   checklist w/ minimums
   - Chris: Mag strip suggested
   - Alex: Bathrooms, tables, garbage; develop a schedule
   - Luke: OK w/ 5 days, same company; need to determine scope that company 
   handles; could also hire handyman for filters and other nonsense
   - Ken: Allocation is presently out of general; ~$500/day/month
 - MOTION: "Close out housekeeping allocation from general fund, Request 
 cleaning service increase to five days a week and increase logistics committee 
 monthly allocation by $2,500."
   - Proposed: Erik
   - Seconded: Luke
   - 4 in favor, Erik abstains, motion passes

4.5 Purchase New Bench Top Lathe, Milling Machine, and Maintenance Parts for 
 - AS WRITTEN: "Asking BoD for 50% funding or $2,117.40 with Machine Shop 
 matching 50% of $2,117.40
Below is a list of what is wanted to purchase and cost:
3.5″ x 8″ Machine Lathe + DRO (Digital Read Out) 4000B-DRO Package B $1,210.00
5400A-DRO/5410A-DRO Deluxe Mill Package $1,457.00
3700 4″ Rotary Table $ 226.80
3701 Right Angle Attachment $ 78.75
2250 Quick-Change Tool Post w/Three Holder $ 273.00
1030 4-Jaw (Independent) Chuck (3.1″) $ 141.75
3551 Milling Vise $ 78.75
7506 Machinist’s Parallel Bar Set $ 52.50
3100 Thread Cutting Attachment $ 131.25
Kit #4 1/4 inch Turning (C) Right Hand Left Hand and Boring Bar $ 135.00
HAAS Tool Changer 10 Tool Changer replacement/repair kits @ $45/ea $ 450.00
Grand Total  $4,234.80"
   - David: All 110V machines, will regulate size of stock to preserve equipment
 - MOTION: "Allocate $2200.00 to Machine shop for the purpose of obtaining micro 
 milling machines and replacement HAAS parts."
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Erik
   - Motion passes unanimously


5.1 Remove Discourse ( Opt-In Debate Category Due to 
Abuse (Zach Metzinger)
 - AS WRITTEN: "Remove the Opt-In category, leaving it up to members to use the 
 normal Discourse "Ignore topic" buttons to ignore those threads which unsettle 
 them, and prohibit this sort of Orwellian moderation in the future. Community 
 flagging should curtail any flagrant violations of talk etiquette."
   - Erik: This is an infrastructure decision that the BoD should not be 
   involved with this
   - Brooks: A non-moderator member was moving items to this category without 
   mod permissions because Discourse allows it.  Infra spoke to the member and 
   they have ceased this behavior.
   - Lisa: Perception gap on moderation - BoD seems to feel it's too little, 
   Talk users seem to think that it happens too much and accused of censorship
   - Brooks: Will get rid of it, but expect pushback; the category was supposed 
   to be off-topic, non-DMS material
   - Marshall: Concern that this will be used to shuffle material critical of 
   - Luke: Not concerned about off-topic, but opt-in is like Fight Club and 
   immaterial to DMS's mission and it's toxic
   - Lisa: Idea is to keep the nonsense off Google, make it friendlier for the 
   huge lurker demographic that Infra has observed.  Would like to disable 
   features to prevent some of these shenanigans.
   - Brooks: I have surrendered my admin rights on Talk
   - Alex: I feel that some toxic posts go on for far too long; signal/noise 
   ratio can get too low
   - Haley: Imperfection is inevitable in moderation
   - Marshall: Fine with locking for going too off-topic and some administrative 
   action for infringers
   - Dwight: Process guidelines for mods on Talk ... 
 - MOTION: "Remove the opt-in debate category on Talk. Please act in a manner 
 that is fitting for a role model makerspace, be excellent."
   - Proposed: Luke
   - Seconded: Erik
   - 4 in favor, Robert opposed

5.2 Improve transparency and the maker experience by requiring classes and tools
 with a fee to maintain the fee table on the new wiki page (Bradley Knapp)
  - AS WRITTEN: "I have created a new Wiki page that can be linked to the new 
  member 411 page, the join page on the main site, and anywhere else that it 
  needs linked. Using the web design principle of aggregating information so 
  that a user is never further than 1 link from solving a question they have 
  from that page, this will avoid confusion and increase transparency. A new 
  rule to be inserted to the Rules and Policies page, section 8 (committees) § 1
  (Rules) that reads as follows:
  'The committee chair is responsible for maintaining the Associated Costs page 
  on the wiki for all fees collected by or on the behalf of the committee. The 
  committee chair can delegate the ongoing maintenance of class costs to his or 
  her approved instructors, but shall review and approve the information before 
  the monthly board of directors meeting.'"
   - Bradley: If basic class, should not be variable
   - Lisa: Fees can be set independently
   - Devin: Some fees are simply there to help with commitment
   - Luke: Put together a FAQ on the main website that indicates some classes 
   have fees; don't feel we should maintain a central table - our system is 
   presently working
   - David: If other instructors offer a class for a different class, take it 
   from another instructor
   - Luke: We can tweak the calendar to show price as part of the calendar
   - Robert: We can't do anything about Eventbrite
   - Alex: We can request that developer work on this; going on GitHub soon
 - MOTION: Table indefinitely
   - Proposed: Luke
   - Seconded: Erik
   - Motion tabled unanimously

5.3 PR Fellowships (Priyanka Pohar)
 - AS WRITTEN: "Two 1-month fellowships to two individuals, Matt Ziesler and 
 Steven Martin."
   - Alex: Only $80 left in fund; any committee could make these nominations
   - Brooks: Feel that this should have been moderated more
   - David: Folks doing tours are here every Thursday
   - Chris: Steven is here very consistently on Thursdays giving tours
   - Luke: The fund is now at $105 thanks to a sudden donation ... 
 - MOTION: As Written
   - Proposed: Robert
   - Seconded: Erik
   - Motion passes unanimously

5.4 PR Makerspace Videos
 - AS WRITTEN: "PR is requesting $400 for the creation of two videos - one being
 a 360 video and the other being a normal video. This money goes to the camera 
 which is $350 + tax and supplies for the film."
   - Priyanka: Watched some of the tours of DMS on Youtube, want to refresh the 
   content w/ 360 + normal video.
   - Alex: Supplies for film?  [Priyanka: Dallas Film crew will do it; to cover 
   their expenses]
   - Brandon: PR has sufficient funds per one of the calculations
   - David: Camera should be bought and owned by Digital Media
   - Erik: Buying camera [Priyanka: yes]
   - Luke: Digital Media has money, will buy camera
 - MOTION: Table indefinitely
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Erik
   - Motion tabled unanimously

5.5 PR Shop Payment Center
 - AS WRITTEN: "PR requests $700 for a payment center (iPad, printer, and 
   - Alex: Move to buy this ... 
   - Robert: Is ROI there?
   - Alex: It's there, we just don't account for it very well
   - Brooks: We can arrange for fellowship fund donations via other payment 
 - MOTION: "Allocate $700 to Infrastructure to purchase a payment center for PR"
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Robert
   - Motion passes unanimously

5.6 Cleaning Closet Renovation
 - AS WRITTEN: "PR requests $1000 to replace molding sheetrock, installing a 
 metal industrial sink, efficient storage and repainting the cleaning closet."
   - Priyanka: Feel that this will help the entire space
   - Brooks: Lack of a comma confuses ... 
   - Lisa: Logistic matter...
   - Brooks: Auto-closer in stock; need a plumber to add to the bill, 
   - Alex: We need ownership of this item - PR, Logistics, ad-hoc SIG ... 
   - David: CA, Foundry, other groups want things out of this
   - Luke: Talk about it in a month when we know who the chairs are
 - MOTION: Table indefinitely
   - Proposed: Luke
   - Seconded: Alex
   - Motion tabled unanimously

5.7 Modify the Honorarium rules with respect to Standardized requirements 
 - AS WRITTEN: "Pre-authorize requirements classes, that the Board deems 
 essential to the needs of our members, for honorarium, waive the 10-day 
 requirement for those classes, and authorize the honorarium auditors to 
 immediately approve these pre-authorized classes for honorarium without delay. 
 Eligible classes would include only those required to use tools, or to access 
 membership benefits. The Board might also consider placing a limit of the 
 number of pre-authorized classes permitted for each proposed class, to limit 
 cash flow exposure."
   - Alex: Bryan Davis's proposal; coding issues are present that prevent this 
   from fast implementation
   - Andrew: If it's on GitHub, I can code it in CakePHP
   - David: If shorten, need to up to minimum of 5 people to prevent flood of 
   honorarium funds due to few people
   - Luke: Want code in place first since passing now means it's not actually 
   - Brooks: All kinds of business rules are effected by this proposal ... 
 - MOTION: Table indefinitely
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Luke
   - Motion tabled unanimously

15:45 RECESS, RETURN AT 17:00


5.8 $5,000 to logistics for workshop improvements (Brandon)
 - AS WRITTEN: "Allocate $5,000 to logistics for the purpose of improving 
 general workshop tools and organization as described in the plan below."
   - Brandon: Workshop tools are a central part of DMS, want to improve 
   organization and availability 
   - Alex: Milwaukee toolbox to replace Craftsman [Brandon: Yes, different 
   layout and larger, also has integrated pegboard and work surface]
   - Luke: What is being repurposed / disposed of?  [Brandon: No immediate 
   disposal of anything, will offsite if no reallocation]
   - Brandon: Could make from plywood if works out better, prefer metal
   - Alex: $1000 for 4x8 tabletops ... what do you intend to do with the ~5x10 
   tables? [Brandon: Existing 4x4 tables will be butt together or cut mats in 
   - Luke: Please giver other committees a chance to claim tools being disposed 
   of or rendered obsolete
 - MOTION: As Written
   - Proposed: Robert
   - Seconded: Alex
   - 3 in favor, Ken opposed, Erik abstained, motion passes

5.9 Complaint against a member (Talk)
 - COMPLAINT: Bradley Knapp has complained about harassing messages from Walter.  
 Walter filed a counter-complaint.
   - Walter's statement: "I will not be in attendance when you'll discuss this.  
I will respond here.  I wish to note that the PM exchange was made in response 
to a direct threat Mr. Knapp made to me, and that he was chastised for by
Lisa. See attached.  I find my response both to his threat, and his
general derogatrory attitude reasonable.

That said, since he has chosen to escalate the issue, I also formally
complain about his use of threatening language within the Talk forum.
Language that was perceived as a threat, not simply by me, but by
numerous other members as well as at least one moderator.

Finally, since I will not be in attendance, I would like to ensure that
both the pdf of his complaint, as well as the one I attached, be
included in the meeting minutes to ensure that the record provide an
accurate reflection of what was actually written."
   - Bradley: I feel that Talk emboldens people to say things that they would 
   not ordinarily say in person
   - Brooks: I can see how Bradley's statement could be interpreted as a threat, 
   but did not see it this way
   - Chuck: How many times are we going to discuss Walter's behavior on Talk 
   [Luke: when a moderator bands him]
   - David: What Walter sent was a private message; Bradley's message was made 
   publicly and it is reasonable to interpret as a threat
   - Andrew: Suspended disallows login, blocked allows login but prevents 
   - Brooks: Walter will protest because he feels that this is a rights
   - David: This is a complaint on one specific issue but dragging old incidents 
   into the complaint that aren't relevant
   - Andrew: Past incidents not relevant to the conviction, but are relevant to 
   the punishment
   - Luke: Walter has had multiple complaints regarding Talk
   - Devin: Walter trolled boyfriend's firearm safety talk, 
   suggesting that they film the class so that we'd have someone shooting 
   themselves on video
   - Dwight: Punishment/escalation matrix on Talk needs to be developed
   - Andrew: Walter has 82 flagged posts on Talk; fewer are flagged as helpful
   - David: If someone files a complaint and no action is taken and no action 
   is taken then it doesn't count next time a complaint is filed
   - Stan: Walter is helpful in person but not on Talk
   - Chris: Try to separate out actions from knowledge of the personality
   - Chuck: Walter has been a troll as far back as I can recall - on Talk, in 
   - Lisa: Once we have a moderation matrix in place, we'd be more comfortable 
   meting out administrative punishment
   - Erik: I feel that while Walter is a jerk on Talk, being rude to someone 
   via PM fails to rise to the level of punishment
 - MOTION: "The BoD instructs Infrastructure to Block Walter Anderson on Talk.  
 Warn Bradley Knapp regarding use of language that could be perceived as 
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Robert
   - 4 in favor, Erik abstains

5.10 Approve New Laser Committee Chair
 - AS WRITTEN: "The Laser Committee has voted Merissa Green to serve as chair 
 for the remainder of this term and the following six months."
 - MOTION: As Written
   - Proposed: Alex
   - Seconded: Erik
   - Motion passed unanimously

5.11 Remove Patrick Thompson as a Procurement Officer
 - AS WRITTEN: "Remove Patrick Thompson from the list of Procurement Officers."
 - MOTION: "Remove Patrick Thompson from the list of Procurement Officers.  
 Appoint Stan Simmons and Marissa Green as a Procurement Officers."
   - Proposed: Erik
   - Seconded: Luke
   - Motion passed unanimously

5.12 Approve funds for the purchase of an online election for this years BoD 
 - AS WRITTEN: "Allocate funds to infrastructure for $200 for the purchase of an 
 online voting solution."
   - Robert: $200 base price up to 250 voting members, do not expect to exceed 
   this but it's $0.40 per voter if we do.  No other options despite quote.
   - Alex: Online, written proxy, or in-person this year
   - Stan: Handling electronic as proxy?  
     - Luke: No, online votes are irrevocable and you may not vote in person at 
	 the meeting
	 - Alex: Modifying electronic votes would be vote-tampering and imply BoD 
	 know your vote already
   - Robert: WHCMS e-mail is needs to be correct and up-to-date
   - Luke: E-mail [email protected] if you are not already a voting 
   member, Stan has an RPi set up to allow members to validate based on AD
   - Robert: Must request voting rights prior to beginning of online election if 
   you want to vote online
   - Alex: April 15th, 12:00  deadline for online voting; April 12th 21:00 
   deadline to register for BoD election as a candidate
   - Luke: 13 April is the Meet the Candidates meeting
 - MOTION: As written
   - Proposed: Robert
   - Seconded: Alex
   - 3 in favor, Erik and Luke abstain, motion passes

5.13 Remove Lance Preston as a Procurement Officer
 - AS WRITTEN: "Remove Lance Preston as a procurement officer."
   - Erik: We removed Lance October 2016
   - Brooks: Lance still exists in QB
 - MOTION: Dismiss
   - Proposed: Erik
   - Seconded: Alex
   - Motion dismissed unanimously

5.14 Add Stan Simmons as a Procurement Officer
 - AS WRITTEN: "Appoint Stan Simmons as a Procurement Officer, to be replacing 
 Brooks Scharff."
   - Erik: Redundant motion
 - MOTION: Dismiss
   - Proposed: Erik
   - Seconded: Alex
   - Motion dismissed unanimously

PPE restock
 - MOTION: "Allocate $2000 to Logistics for the purpose of obtaining  
 personal protective equipment"
   - Robert: Need to be able to accommodate large-frame eyeglasses
   - Marshall: need face shields
   - Chuck: Could use some welding hoods
   - Luke: Some cheap hoods on Amazon are well-rated at $55
 - MOTION: As written
   - Proposed: Robert
   - Seconded: Alex
   - 4 in favor, Erik abstains, motion passes


Front Men's room
 - Brooks: Money?
 - Alex: $2500 quote is floating around from Roto-Rooter

Front Air Conditioning
 - Stan: Calling Lex-Air to examine the situation
 - Alex: That unit is new and should be under warranty; >$1000 is the Landlord's 




At Walter Anderson's request, the following screenshots from Talk are being added to the record. Done with your bitching - Dallas Makerspace Talk.png


Action Items

Status Item Description Responsible Party
[ X ] increase Logistics committee monthly allocation by $2,500 Finance
[ X ] Allocate $2200.00 to Machine shop for the purpose of obtaining micro milling machines and replacement HAAS parts Finance
[ X ] Allocate $700 to Infrastructure to purchase a payment center for PR Finance
[ X ] Allocate $5,000 to Logistics for the purpose of improving general workshop tools and organization Finance
[ X ] Allocate funds to Infrastructure for $200 for the purchase of an online voting solution Finance
[ X ] Allocate $2000 to Logistics for the purpose of obtaining personal protective equipment Finance

Quick Books Journal Entry: BOD1007