Ruby On Rails Action Items

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Open Items

  1. Book Lecture Hall for Sundays.
  2. Flesh out the wiki.
  3. Create a "Day 1: CodeWars: Basic Methods" collection
  4. Create specific collections of CodeWars problems as assignments.
  5. Create a fully working application to be given on Day 1, so students have an example done the right way.
  6. Intro to Ruby/Rails/React/React Native Class
    1. When: limit to 1 hour; hold at least 6 weeks prior to first workshop so students can finish initial prerequisites.
    2. Who: taught by Kirk Keeter because he's the best cheerleader!
    3. Why: "cheerleading", generate interest, create transparent expectations around prerequisites and homework.
    4. Advertise it on TALK.
    5. Create a video version
  7. Enforce prerequisites. Verify with class registration.
  8. Propose committee status to DMS Board of Directors. What do we make? Applications. Cite student demand, number of students who have found employment, and how we can give back to DMS community.
  9. Go over CodeWars more deeply in class. Create accounts in class, join clan and have them do a few problems in class. Break the ice.
  10. Create clear breaks between Ruby, Rails, React, React Native so students can jump in (Granularity)
  11. Create a standard project.
  12. Create 2 tracks: amateur and pro.
  13. Create videos of workshops.
  14. Add workshops covering:
    1. Terminal
    2. Git / Github/ Git Flow class (hold early in process)
    3. Agile (can’t get a job without understanding methodology. Sprints.)
    4. Application Testing - Unit Testing
  15. Create minimum viable product (MVP) of Class Manager.
  16. Consider using other IDE's, i.e. Atom instead of RubyMine.
  17. Stop using Rails generator through the IDE; starting having students use it with the terminal.
  18. Use GitHub for assignments.
  19. Pace the homework.
  20. Pursue Architect Certification post-DMS Ruby.
  21. Build a DMS Ruby alumni community to give back: mentoring, building applications.
  22. Socialize to continue to build a DMS Ruby community
  23. Note: "seed_fu Seeding gem (or faker)" was listed among action items on 11/05/2017. It's action is unclear.

Closed Items

  1. Created Wikipage of resources.
  2. Established prerequisites or milestones to decouple the timelines
  3. Identified types of in-person classes: workshops and study groups.
  4. Holding regularly scheduled study groups (on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Fridays).
  5. Documented book-learning options on wiki, for those who prefer books over videos.
  6. Recruited guest instructors.
    1. Dave Venable - Security
    2. Ryan Smith - Amazon expert
    3. Kyle Chang - Hadoop
    4. Chris Babione - Data Architect Artifact
  7. Added communication platforms to wiki: Slack, Facebook, TALK.