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Monday July 14, 2014 19:00

In attendance:
Haley Moore, Creative Arts Committee Chair
David Smart - starting things up and then going away
J Moffett - student in 3D animation, digital sets
David Summers - interest in podcast
Edward Wright - interested in videos
Frank - voice acting
Ken Purcell - experience making training films
Robert Davidson - AV prosumer
Dan Ribaudo - theater tech, video projections
Luke Olson - Art Director, tv studio
Greg Slagel - 3D animation
Ralph Green - instructional videos
Josh McDonald - voice acting, leadership
Ken Schmitt - video post downtown dallas
Chuck G

Plans for the room:
Keep it mixed use as meeting room
Painting the south wall chroma blue
Soundproofing - no purchase approved yet, will be DIY/ egg cartons

A Camera and mic on loan from Joe (Canon X1)
Handicam from Dan
Mac Pro from Dan
Green screen from Ken
Light boxes from Ken
Camera stand from Ken


Classes in which there is interest:
Motion Graphics
Lighting 101
Shot Layout/Storyboarding
Set Design
2D Animation (=Heather?)
3D for Animation, Maya or Blender = Moffett
Sound Design
Final Cut Pro = Dan
CC After Effects = Greg
CC Premier
Voice Acting = Josh McD
Youtube production

Equipment we want to eventually buy/build
Collapsable sound booth

The Arts Committee webpage:

Equipment will be stored on Creative Arts shelves

Recording projects we have in mind
The DMS Web Sitcom
The DMS video podcast
Training videos
The Littles (Josh McD)

Pierce: we could build a cyc frame "infinity corners"

Luke: we need focus
-training videos
-promo videos

Robert D: Last year I wanted to buy Canon 5D-III and wireless mic but I saw no structure/potential to use it

??: There will be a Dremel Class, let's shoot it as a starter project
Chuck: I have 9 GB on the Lemon race, needs editing

Dan: Let's make that Orientation Video

Luke: Let's make a 3min video on how to become a member

Haley is taking charge of painting the wall
Dremel Class is prob July 26th, David S will take charge of shooting it

Lemons race doc editing - Greg S taking charge

Greg: How about a monthly shoot - what's happening at the space

Greg: Until we get a camera, let's start with phones/whatever, and dump footage on the share drive

Dan: Is there a PR committee and would they have labor and direction to contribute towards promo/regular videos?

Branding - not yet

*Dremel Class Shoot - David S &Josh to head up
*Editing Documentary - Greg to wrangle Lemons Race
*Studio - Haley to make sure chroma wall painted