We Have Arrived!


Thanks to the many man hours put into paperwork, defining our mission statement, creating bylaws and standing rules, and the efforts of all the membership in the creation of the Dallas Makerspace. It has paid off. We are now officially a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization! [See the official letter here! 501(c)(3) Acceptance Letter] This couldn’t have come to pass at a more joyful time. As we prepare for our Second Annual Open House this news reinvigorates our efforts to make the Dallas Makerspace a location where maker enthusiasts can come and commune with other inspiring and driven people.

This would not have been possible without the support of the DMS membership. Each and every person has put their time, labor, and advice into the building of this organization and the reward was well worth the effort. Our success was also possible because of the wonderful support of the Dallas Personal Robotics Group (DPRG), from whom the DMS was birthed. They graciously acted as our umbrella, seeding us with several of their own members and nurturing us as we grew to the point we could stand on our own.

We invite everyone out to celebrate with us this November 5th starting at Noon. This year’s Open House promises to be bigger and better than last year with wonderful DIY projects for guests to partake in, door prizes, wonderful demo’s by several of the talented members who make up the DMS along with several third party talks from organizations such as the North Texas Electric Auto Association. There will be food, robots, laser cutters, darkroom fun, and plenty of energetic and passionate people to meet and share ideas with. This event is open to all ages. For more information on time and place check out our wiki. Dallas Makerspace will also be present for a joint event with the DPRG at Tanner Electronics in Carrollton this Saturday from noon to 2pm.

1 Comment

  1. Ken Purcell November 7, 2011 Reply

    Really enjoyed meeting the people at DMS. All were very friendly and helpful. With the extra people and projects around it seems you might be outgrowing your space already. Congrats!

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